• 128568 1855 DIE 2 1D PL.6 MATCHED TRIO (SG21, SG26 AND SPEC C6) LETTERED CD.

  • £110.00

  • Description

    1855 DIE 2 1D PL.6 MATCHED TRIO (SG21, SG26 AND SPEC C6) LETTERED CD. Good used 1855 die 2 1d pl.6 S.C.16 (SG21) lettered CD, centred low but good perforations, also good used example from the much scarcer L.C.16 printing (SG26) lettered CD, minor imperfections on reverse, matched with fine used L.C.14 printing (spec C6) also lettered CD with London cancellation. (Ref 128568).
  • 128568 1855 DIE 2 1D PL.6 MATCHED TRIO (SG21, SG26 AND SPEC C6) LETTERED CD.
  • 128568 1855 DIE 2 1D PL.6 MATCHED TRIO (SG21, SG26 AND SPEC C6) LETTERED CD.
  • 128568 1855 DIE 2 1D PL.6 MATCHED TRIO (SG21, SG26 AND SPEC C6) LETTERED CD.

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