1817 MAIL GULLANE (EAST LOTHIAN) TO HAWICK WITH 'HADDINGTON/370' HAND STAMP AND PRINTED CONTENTS CONCERNING HORSE BREEDING. Fine entire Gullane, East Lothian to 'Mr Thos. Mason, Gardener, at Chisholme nr Hawick', charged '8½' on front fine strike 'HADDINGTON/370-B' hand stamp in black and Edinburgh date stamp JUN 7 1817 in red. Fine printed content 'To Cover this Season, at GULLANE, THE POWERFUL FINE HORSE STAMFORD, THIRTY MARES, by Subscription, at ELEVEN GUINEAS each. As the Subscription has not filled, he will be allowed to cover a few Half-bred Mares at Half Price. N.B.-All Expences to be paid at the time of Covering, or before the Mares are taken away. Gullane, 6th May 1817'. (Ref 126964).